Interested In Table Top Miniatures and Gaming?
Battles- Campaigns- Skirmishes- Historical or Fantasy?

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Welcome to the home of the Auckland Wargaming Club, a group of Auckland based gamers from all walks of life who enjoy the hobby of ‘wargaming’ with miniature models.

The club is a non-profit organisation with subscribing members and reciprocal visiting rights with other local clubs, and is one of about 6 such clubs of varying size in the Auckland region. Operated by an elected committee from amongst the membership and serves to provide a focal point and premises for hobby activity in Mount Eden (suburb).

What Happens At AWC

Members come to the club rooms open two days per month (Sundays) and sometimes special days events to play a variety of scales (size of figures) and periods or era of warfare.

These games are moderated by rule sets that detail certain type of human, vehicular and even non-human combat-

• Ancient battles with bows, spears and swords or axes;

• Medieval with armoured cavalry (knights or heavies), lightly armed slingshots or spear units and siege artillery;

• Renaissance 16th early gunpowder, 17th and 18th Century wars that defined Europe and the ‘new world’ provinces of North America;

• the later French Revolution and Napoleonic wars;

• and 19th Century Victorian Era 20th Century all out tank combat;

and fantasy and sci-fi type themes.

Members often have several different interests and many research and play several ‘eras’ of warfare.

What the Romans termed “Barbarian Warriors”.

Some of the main periods of interest are: Ancients & Medieval, Napoleonics, American Civil War (ACW), Colonial, WW1, World War II, & Moderns for land based games, naval and air games.

In addition there is interest across various Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres (such as Full Thrust space ship combat and Kings of War and Frostgrave fantasy games), and boardgames that use miniatures or card counters.

Prospects looking to join will usually be able to find people with similar interests… although they may other scales or sometimes different rule sets.

Visitors are most welcome to walk in for a look on any meeting day… and any questions or desire to arrange a visit or two are welcome. Please use the Contact page or post a message on our Facebook account to make contact.

Recognise this person? What does a modeller or gamer do?

The amateur model soldier maker is almost invariably a perfectionist, and goes to endless trouble in order to ensure that his small figures are correctly equipped and painted. He carries out patient research into old books and prints; haunts museums, libraries, and second-hand book shops seeking authentic illustrations of the particular soldier he is making at the time. Late Donald Featherstone

An introduction, game viewing and club joining details can be arranged ahead of time for a planned visit on a meeting day. Some examples of games and models played and popular figure scales for land based games are:

Crusade era Arabs in 15mm
Crusades era Arabs in 15mm

6mm (1/285th & 1/300th (aka micro), 15mm (1/100th), 20mm (1/72nd & 1/76th), and 25mm and 28mm (a modern ‘enlargement’ now pretty much a standard.

Figures are nominally scaled as ‘made and measured’ from bottom of foot to top of forehead (where a hat or helmet covers the head).

Naval games are played in 1/4800th, 1/3000th, 1/2400th, 1/1200th, and 1/600th depending on era and fleet type; while air games are usually played in 1/300th, 1/600th, and/or 1/144th scales.

Where & When

The club meets the first and third Sunday most* months of the year.
Hours open commence 10am and run until 4pm unless by prior arrangement and an Officer Key Holder is available.

* See Meetings

Online discussion forum

We use as our main method of communication between members, after using Yahoo groups for many years. Typically the forum is used for

  • Organising games at the club
  • Introducing yourself and looking for opponents
  • Posting pictures of games played, painted models and works in progress
  • Buying and selling wargaming related stuff
  • Cajoling others into new wargaming periods!

You can join our mailing list: Kindly provide clear details with a name and your interests or expertise in your email to avoid a ‘SPAM’ block.

Our Clubroom Location

Pollard Park Scout Hall on Waitomo Avenue in Balmoral (Mount Eden West)– down Dominion Road between the Mount Roskill and Balmoral shopping centres.
Conveniently between Shackelton and Landscape Roads, Waitomo Avenue is accessed a few hundred metres along. (BK Mt. Roskill isn’t far).

The council property has a large car park although this becomes full later in the morning when seasonal football/ soccer player teams and supporters arrive. Other street parking is usually available.

Upon entering the car park walk through into the park grassed area and immediately turn left down the concrete path that will lead you to the Scout Hall door.

The park is about 5km from the centre of downtown Auckland.

We hope you enjoy our website and find something of interest – and if you are in Auckland please come down to the club and meet us… we may be able to put you in touch with other local clubs.

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